Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Turtle Dog

Tawna is in Vancouver, leaving Turtle, Tupac, and me to look after the house. It's been quite the adventure, so here's a blog of some of our adventures, starting with Chena Lakes where we clocked Turtle at just over 20 miles an hour - thank goodness for fast bikes!

Had a fun road trip to Juneau a few weeks ago. It's a 10 hour drive to Haines and then a few hours on the ferry. Got to see humpback whales, sea lions, a grizzly bear wondering along side the road, caribou, and moose. It was wonderful to run the trails in the forests, all the giant skunk cabbage was sprouting.

Unfortunately, Turtle decided to go for a late night snack of porcupine, which landed us in the emergency room at midnight. I think it was more traumatic for my friend Chanda and I; Turtle recovered from the anesthetic, and was ready to chase porcupines again by lunchtime the next day. Fortunately, she didn't catch another one!

Judging by the blogs, it seemed that all and sundry went to Granite Tors this weekend. I went with my friend Ed to run the 15 mile trail through some amazing scenery. Thunderstorms pounded the hills a few miles away, but we were treated with gentle breezes - keeping the bugs away, some clouds - keeping the temperatures cool, and views as far as to Fairbanks 40 miles to the west.

Turtle and I have been working on who is boss. Here I am trying to pose her for a picture. Turtle is ok with Tawna being boss, but she (in her mind) ranks above me, which leads to a variety of obedience problems...such as her not chasing porcupines and thinking it's ok to cruise for ice cream at Hot Licks! Luckily Tawna is coming home on the 18th to remind her that there are rules in the world and that her mum still loves her.

Nevertheless, Turtle will humor me with a picture once in a while. It was a great day out with Ed and Turtle...although we're both a little tuckered now!

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