Tuesday, August 29, 2006


A trip into the north Cascades with Llamas, Tawna, Turtle, and a retired walrus biologist! Not so fast and light as I've been doing but interesting - like rafting, but on land for those with an idea of how gear expands to fill the space provided! The scenery and weather were spectacular!

Much to Kae's chagrin, everyone thinks that Llamas spit. She says that's like a dog that bites - she eats those Llamas!

We travelled at a walk, a little slower than the 230 runners who whisked by on the morning of day 2 in the Cutthroat Lake Classic. Now there's a 10 mile run that I'll have to come back for!

The Llamas were sort of friendly in the way that a cat is - on their terms!

The hot weather made snowy lakes a great place for a swim to cool off and clean up from the dusty trail.

The alpine environment is beautiful here and not too crowded.

The trail winds around steep talus.

You can see the trail at about lower ear level